Single Flats and Bevels
Both Flat and Beveled monuments lay flat to the ground, and they are the most economically friendly monuments. Single Flats and Bevels are designed for 1 person. Flat monuments are completely level, while Beveled monuments are slightly slanted with the back being about 2 inches taller than the front for better visibility. Please note: certain cemeteries require flat monuments.

Double Flats and Bevels
Both Flat and Beveled monuments lay flat to the ground, and they are the most economically friendly monuments. Double Flats and Bevels are designed for 2 people. Flat monuments are completely level, while Beveled monuments are slightly slanted with the back being about 2 inches taller than the front for easier visibility. Please note: certain cemeteries require flat monuments.

Single Uprights
Upright monuments typically consist of 2 pieces, the upright portion (the die) and the bottom portion (the base). Flower vases are a common add on to these monuments and can be used on 1 or both sides. Upright monuments offer the largest variability in size, color, and design options. Single Uprights are designed for 1 person.

Double Uprights
Upright monuments typically consist of 2 pieces, the upright portion (the die) and the bottom portion (the base).
Flower vases are a common add on to these monuments and can be added on 1 or both sides. Upright monuments offer the largest variability in size, color, and design options.
Double Uprights are designed for 2 people.

Single and Double Upright Slants
Slanted monuments have a steeply angled face, and the top is much thinner than the bottom. Slants may be used by
themselves, or they may be placed on top of a base. Slants can be designed for 1 or 2 people.

Double Wing Job
A Wing Job is the term used for 2 Single Upright monuments placed on 1 base. This makes the monument a Double Upright, which is designed for 2 people. Wing Jobs vary in design, as some consist of multiple add on pieces such as a vase and pedestal.

Special Cuts
Our special cuts are upright monuments that can be designed for 1 or 2 people. These monuments are specially cut by an artist into various shapes, such as Hearts, Angels, Tear Drops, Crosses, Guitars, Arrowheads, and other options to best commemorate your loved one.

Granite Benches
Granite benches are very versatile. They can be used in the cemetery as a single or double monument, or as an add on to a traditional memorial. Our benches are also perfect for your home, businesses, schools, and more.
These are meant to honor your loved one anywhere meaningful to you!

Cremation Monuments
These monuments are meant to safely encompass the cremains of your loved one. Cremation monuments can be designed for one or multiple people.